Sri Tigiripalli Ganeswara Rao was born on 16.06.1967 in a small town called Kovvur. He was born and brought up in a poor and uneducated family. From his early age, he was sharp and intellectual. After schooling at the age of sixteen he went to Arts college, Rajamahendravaram to study and completed his graduation. The teenager was disappointed because his father could not help him to study further. It seemed his dreams had burnt to ashes and his heart immersed with sorrow. Then he took a radical decision that his remaining life would be used for educating young students and never to be attached to any worldly possessions or material things. That was beginning of his passion towards teaching.
He moved to a small village called Yellamilli in the year of 1989 and started multiple tuition canters during dusk time. Because he knew everyone is available after their long work since it was a village. He helped many farmers, daily labours with formal education knowledge to write. His teachings were impacted many illiterates. Then a small convent came into existence with 16 students. The convent has been flourishing with good strength and started to send out students for higher education with excellent academic knowledge.
He did not collet any money from students since it was his aim to educate as many. He sometimes denied the money by seeing their poor survival. Later on parents used to support him with some money as compensation for his family survival. He gave away everything to the poor and even exchanged his clothes with many needy. He always believed that “The marks on an answer sheet cannot decide student’s future, it can be decided through knowledge, skill and discipline one acquires.”
Gollapalem, Near Honda Showroom Kajuluru road Andhra Pradesh - 533468
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